Monday, April 17, 2017

"Ma'am, do you eat bananas?"

This past week was awesome! We had a great lesson with our investigators Karen Moo and Moo Eh Wah who are sisters. In Karen culture, people think you're too young to get baptized until you're 18 or until you get married, whichever comes first. They also have been taught that it's a reallllly big sin to be baptized twice. Karen Moo is only 14 and really has been wanting to get baptized but her parents said she is too young. Moo Eh Wah is 24 and got baptized when she was 14 which was when she got married. She has been wanting to get baptized as well, but has been a little hesitant because of the whole double baptism thing. We told Karen Moo a couple weeks ago to pray that her parent's hearts will be softened, and this week we had a member come teach them with us. He told about his experience of getting baptized for a second time and the blessings that have come from it. Then Karen Moo told us that she asked her parents again and they are totally fine with her being baptized. She asked us when she can get baptized! So we set a baptismal date with her for May 6th!! Then she turned to her sister and said, "Are you getting baptized with me on May 6th?" And Moo Eh Wah said, "I really want to get baptized, but I still need to pray about it." So she's praying about whether or not she should get baptized in a couple weeks! We are so excited for them. They are amazing! 

Funny moment of the week, we were at a member's house eating dinner with her, her nonmember husband, and his nonmember son who was visiting from out of town. The son was kind of quiet and awkward. He didn't really say anything the whole time except one word answers to my questions. But we were having a suuuuper good steak dinner outside since the weather was so good and I kept getting bit by mosquitoes and no one else was. When we were about to leave the son says to me, "Ma'am, do you eat bananas?" I said, "....yes...?" And he said, "You should switch to kiwis. Bananas open your pores." I thought this kid was going to give me skin care advice but then he added, " mosquitoes are attracted to you." So lesson of the week, eat kiwis instead of bananas and mosquitoes will be less attracted to you! You're welcome! The steak was super good though, so I'll attach a picture! (She told me "It was the best steak I've ever had, hands down! I told the guy I'm bringing my future husband to learn how to cook this!" hahahaha)

Also, HAPPY EASTER! I hope everyone had a great Easter Sunday, the weather was beautiful here! This Easter I have been able to focus more on the true meaning of Easter than ever before and it has been such a great experience. I'm so grateful for our Savior Jesus Christ who suffered and died for us, and was resurrected for us. I'm very grateful for the knowledge I have of the resurrection and that we will all be resurrected. It gives me hope and peace about the future. This week, take a moment to get on your knees and pray to Heavenly Father and thank Him for His son Jesus Christ and the sacrifice He made for us. 

The best steak she's ever had! (Maybe she's eating too many Asian meals!)

I got my companion to get a hammock so I can use mine, and we tried finding a place in the apartment to set it up. This is the best we could do. hahaha She tried sleeping in it one night and lasted about 20 minutes. Brooklyn told me they were going "hammocking" today for P-day, hope they find a good place to hang them!

It's hard to see the little red dots on her legs in this picture, but Brooklyn told me she thinks she has bed bugs. After Jeff's experience in Thailand I freaked out for one second, then asked her if they are in her apartment or if it's from visiting families. Much to my relief she said "JK, it's just mosquito bites!" I told her she needs to try eating kiwis instead of bananas! By the way, the polite young man calling her "ma'am" was only in his early twenties! hahaha

Sister Hermansen and Sister Fine with some cute Karen children. She loves the little ones!
I asked her how her Easter day was yesterday and she said it was good! There was a musical number in Sacrament meeting that was sung by some children. She said they weren't very good at singing, but it was really cute! Some sweet members gave her an Easter basket filled with goodies including a little cash. She also mentioned receiving some cash in a card someone had sent her. I sure appreciate all the sweet, thoughtful and kind things that are done for our missionary!

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