Monday, October 9, 2017

The first ever all-Karen sacrament meeting!

Hello everyone! It has been a pretty good week! Yesterday was a super special day! We had the very first all-Karen sacrament meeting. Usually we meet with an English ward, and someone has to sit in the back and translate everything into Karen and all of the Karen people have to wear headphones to hear it. But yesterday, the Karen group had their first sacrament meeting by themselves. It was amazing. The few English members that came in, our bishop, stake president, and mission president, all had to wear the headphones to hear English translations! This was kind of like an experiment to see how it would go and how often we will be able to do it in the future. It was a testimony meeting and the spirit was so strong! Different Karen members got up and shared their testimonies of this restored gospel. It was such a neat experience to be able to see them being more independent. In the English ward, most of them are really nervous to go up and bear their testimonies, but no one was nervous yesterday. My heart is full and I'm very happy. 

That was definitely the highlight of the week! Other than that, we've just been working with everyone we teach, trying to help them progress! Remember Pa Kee? The one that was hanging out at one of our member's houses a lot and then moved in with one of our other member's family? We've been teaching him and he is such a cool guy! At first his answers to our questions were short and not very deep, but the last couple of times we have taught him, he has had the best answers to our questions. We ask him something and he will think for a looong time, them give a super well thought out question! He's doing great. 

Funny story of this week, we went to one of our member's homes to teach her non member husband, but he wasn't there. She was out frying chili peppers and grinding them up so we offered to help. First of all, the air was spicy! Sooo spicy. Then we were helping her grind them up in these little bowls with big stick things. Well for some reason she had us switch the sticks, so I was using this marble type stick to smash these peppers in a wooden bowl. Apparently I smashed them a little too hard and the bowl cracked. Today we are going to go to a Karen store so I can buy her a new one. Hopefully they're not too expensive. (Mom, if you see a big dip in my bank account, you'll know why) 

I love this gospel, I love our Father in Heaven, I love this calling I have to share this gospel with these amazing Karen people, and I love you guys! Have a good week! 

Thought this little depiction of Karen people in a refugee camp in Thailand was cool. (I know Brooklyn has been trying to talk her brother, Jeff into going on a trip with her to Thailand after she gets back. Since Jeff lived there for a few months last winter, she thinks it would be awesome to have someone with her who knows more about the country. Maybe Brian and I will tag along too!)

Some of our cute members! Mer Ler (she's pregnant!) Htee Klee and Paw Ler. They are all siblings :)

And here's some food of the week! (She said it was good)

Here's a picture of their first all Karen Testimony Meeting. Brooklyn was so excited, I hope they will get the chance to do this often. Brooklyn is on the far right, second row from the front.

A few months ago the English speaking Elders found some bagels they had left in the kitchen on a special Fast day. They were so excited to go back and eat them later, but they were gone! I guess the guilt got to the Elders and they brought them some new bagels! hahaha The Elders that brought them the bagels actually serve in a neighboring ward, but live in the same apartment complex. I don't think they are the same Elders that took their bagels. They are just nice!

Elders Bowman and Condie are the actual English speaking Elders in their ward right now. They all ate dinner together at Brother and Sister Hurley's house and sent me this fun picture. The dog cracks me up!

I had to add this. Brooklyn sends random, short funny videos to us now and then. This week was a video of them chasing 2 wild turkeys across the parking lot while they were gobbling at them. Maybe they are practicing future pursuits of investigators??? The picture below is a screenshot of the turkeys trying to get away. (They're probably worried they'll end up being "mystery meat" in a Karen dish! haha)

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