Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Hello! It's been a busy week and it's only getting busier! Sister Fine goes home in just over a week so things are getting crazy! I'm pretty scared for Sister Hicks and I to take over the area because we still have a lot to learn to be able to teach everything in Karen, but I'm excited for the challenge! (We are so proud of her!!!)

This week we had an awesome lesson with our investigator Paw Wah. She's the 14 year old daughter of a lady who got baptized about 3 months ago. At the last lesson we had with her we committed her to pray about baptism. When we saw her this past week we asked her how that was going. She said when she prayed she had feelings that she didn't understand. We talked about prayer for a little bit and then talked about Joseph Smith and his amazing experience with prayer. Paw Wah was happier and more engaged in the lesson than we've ever seen her. We literally saw her whole attitude change. Then she asked a lot of really cool questions about baptism. We were able to bear our testimonies of the Gift of the Holy Ghost and how it has blessed us throughout our lives, and how repentance has blessed us as well. The spirit there was so strong. I was able to say everything in Karen that I wanted to and it felt comfortable and easy. This experience helped me not be so scared for when Sister Fine leaves because I know that if we have the spirit with us when we're teaching, we will be able to say everything we need to and our investigators will learn what they need as well. 

Some members in our ward have a bunch of family visiting here from Sweden. (Some of the family got sent here from the refugee camp, and some got sent to Sweden) On Wednesday they had all of the missionaries over for lunch to meet their family and stuff. Then later on in the day we had to go back to our apartment to grab something and when we got home, our apartment building key and our actual apartment key were gone. Sister Hicks and I were pretty convinced that the elders had to have taken them to prank us because we've been in a prank war with the elders for a long time, but Sister Fine was pretty sure they wouldn't have stolen our keys. We called our apartment manager to let us in because we couldn't find the keys, and he told us that "some boys had been in our apartment" and we knew instantly. We got up to our apartment and the elders had filled our bathtub and all of our cupboards with packing peanuts. So many packing peanuts. Before they knew that we knew about the prank, they texted us and told us they found our keys at the members house we ate at. So if anyone has any good prank ideas, send them my way!

Have a good week! 

We had fun with it!

Sister Hicks hahaha

Us with a few of the family members from Sweden. 

Mom notes: It's been getting hot and humid in Minnesota. (She might actually start looking forward to the freezing winter temperatures soon) Brooklyn thought it would be fun to make homemade root beer for P-day. After they looked for the extract in stores and couldn't find it, I sent them some. I asked her if it got there safely with the heat and all, and she said "Yes, I'll show you when we make it!" First time I've seen root beer made in a kiddie pool! They made 8 gallons in it. I told her I hope the Elders were thirsty! She said they were and it turned out great!
Picture of all the thirsty Elders during their zone P-day!

Sometimes they get to watch a family movie on P-day. Brooklyn watched "Moana" for the first time last week. She sent this picture while watching it again this week, telling us she loves it so much and it is her new favorite movie! I told her it's because it's about our people! Her New Zealand ancestors! hahaha I love it too!

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