Sunday, July 2, 2017

Teeny Tiny Frogs!

This has been a pretty cool week! Yesterday we had a really cool sacrament meeting. We had a special musical testimony meeting. Anyone in the congregation could get up and talk about their favorite hymn and why, then the whole congregation would sing one verse of the song. The spirit was so strong during the meeting and I realized how powerful music really is. Good music has the power to bring the spirit so quickly. It was a very cool meeting! 

A couple of days ago I was feeling very discouraged with the language. That night I told Heavenly Father how I was feeling and asked Him for help, then decided to read my scriptures a little bit. I opened up to a chapter that had a verse in it that talked about how God will strengthen us in our weak times. I felt God's love for me and felt comforted. The next day we taught Sunday School with a member. I bore my testimony at the end and the words came easy to me and felt so natural. I know it was God strengthening me and providing me with the help I needed. It was a cool experience for me to help me remember that God answers our prayers. 

We haven't been able to see or talk to our investigator Moo Eh Wah or her sister Karen Moo that was recently baptized because Moo Eh Wah's husband is being super controlling. He doesn't want her going to school, getting her driver's license, or going to church or even talking to us. Since Karen Moo lives with them, she's being affected by him as well. At this point we aren't really sure what to do except pray for them. We hope his heart will be softened soon. 

I hope you all have a great week!

Last P-Day we biked around St Paul and saw some cool landmarks. This is us in front of the capital.

We did weekly planning in our hammocks! I caught Sister Hicks about to fall out of hers. hahahaha

 See anything unusual? (Look past the guy with the yellow saddlebags....)

We came out of a lesson and it was raining. There were hundreds of these tiny frogs just hopping around! I caught about 15 of them!

Mom notes:  This week our really good friends, Mike and Rae Fermanis came here from New Zealand to spend a few days with us before they went into the Provo MTC. Mike has been called as the new Philippines, Manila Missionary President. His service starts July 1st. We spent several days shopping, sightseeing and enjoying their company. We dropped them off at the MTC for their training and guess who they ran into? Brooklyn's new mission president, Carey Barney and his wife. They sent us this picture of them together and shortly after I got a private message. It gave me such a thrill to be connected in this small and simple way. I thanked them and asked them to give our special missionary our love! Can't wait to hear what she thinks about this change. She will have served with President Forbes the first 9 months and now President Barney the last 9. 

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